Balance on the edge

Balance Blog

Posts tagged stress anxiety
Unsubscribing from the Hustle

When I think about the life of a hustler, the metaphor of the boiling frog comes to mind. If you don’t know the metaphor, it says that if you put a frog in boiling water, it will immediately jump out to save itself. But if you place a frog in lukewarm water and slowly increase the temperature, the frog will acclimate to the rising heat until it eventually boils to death without realizing the danger until it's too late.

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5 Habits Wrecking Your Brain Function

While you might be doing all the “right” things—eating clean, meditating, optimizing your sleep—certain habits act as silent wrecking balls, undoing your progress and draining your mental energy. Check out these top 5 habits that are wrecking your brain by 40 Years of Zen.

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A Founders Tale of Growth by MUD\WTR's CEO Shane Heath

A founders tale by MUD\Wtr founder Shane Heath who candidly shares about his quick rise to growth. Shane is an artist and entrepreneur who is authentic and real when it comes to the experience of life and successfully running a growing business. Enjoy this share and remember you are never alone!

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Achieving a Work Life Balance Interview Part I with Steve Napolitan

In this interview learn more from Steve Napolitan ( on how to live with true work and life balance. Steve lives and breathes the ZEN Hustlers life and work style perfectly. Enjoy the video.

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Mel Robbin's Top 5 Stress Beating Steps

Mel Robbins shares her feelings of stress and overwhelm along with 5 Stress beating Steps. “So, how are you doing? Me… (aka Mel Robbins)? I’m not that great. I nearly ugly cried in a restaurant booth at lunch yesterday after one of my girlfriends asked me how things were going. It kinda feels right now like I’m being sucked inside a giant black hole. The truth is, I’m totally overwhelmed and my head is spinning. And the concern in my friend’s voice was just the thing that sent this express train off the tracks.”  Read more from Mel…

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