Balance on the edge

Balance Blog

Cordelia Gaffar • Zen Hustlers Profile

Meet Zen Hustler, Cordelia Gaffar, a transformational coach helping  women to have a Body Soul Shift connecting their body's experience in the now to their present emotion using them as a power source that lifts them rather than weighing them down propelling them towards their ultimate life's purpose. She is also an international best-selling author, world class speaker, Certified in Sports Nutrition, hostess of  the Replenish Me show , a former corporate accountant, Founder of Workout Around My Day,  and mom of 6. Read how she balances it all on the edge.

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Maimah Karmo • Zen Hustlers Profile

Maimah Karmo is a best-selling author, speaker transformational coach and cancer survivor. She is also a soul-purpose seeker, philanthropist, mother and bad ass. She has faced every challenge in her life with faith and used them as catalysts for transformation. Having escaped from her native country of Liberia alone, at 15 years old, Maimah is the definition of a warrior. She has survived three wars, being held at gunpoint and being hit by lightning. At 32 years old, she was diagnosed with aggressive breast cancer, and founded Tigerlily Foundation while undergoing chemotherapy treatment. Read more…

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The one life purchase that defines your values, priorities and commitments

How can one large luxury item purchase inspire others, motivate your contemporaries, and also move us towards a more sustainable future? What we buy defines our external commitments, our inner values and represents our true lifestyle.

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The 7 Types of Meditation + Intuition Training from Mindvalley

Did you know not all meditations are created equal, although all provide some benefit to your mental state and life. If you are not already meditating and learning to control your random often negative thought patterns, living in the past and feeling overwhelm you are slowing slipping. Read more…

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Zen Hustler lessons from the ‘A Store Is Born’ film

The new film, A Star is Born, tells the cautionary tale of a hustler musician played by Lady Gaga seeking to step into the spotlight. Bradley Cooper directs his first film and plays a beaten down sage zen musician living out of balance addicted to drinking, drugs and self-abuse. Many of the deeper meanings from the film mirror our ethos at Zen Hustlers. Enjoy the film and read on…

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Nick Jekogian • Zen Hustlers Profile

Get to know Zen Hustlers November featured profile, Nick Jekogian, a NYC based real estate developer. Nick is building a new sustainable upscale community inspired by Henry David Thoreau, aptly named Walden Monterey. Read more about how he balances his live between zen and hustler.

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Andy Babkes - Fitness Expert Zen Hustlers Profile

Get to know ZEN Hustler, Andy Babkes, a personal trainer and life coach. He shares his passions for work, how he keeps motivated, what he is reading and other traits of the ZH. Andy is based in Oakland California and excited to share his path with you. Read more…

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Tips for a Calm Mind and Balance

Saying ones healthy doesn’t just represent the presence of some diseases it altogether mentions the well-being of your mental health. One of the main keys for a healthy and long life is being mentally healthy and constantly stable. Read more…

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Overcoming Stress & Taking Risks (video)

As founders, entrepreneurs and professionals we’re often caught in a viscous and dangerous cycle of intense stress, feelings of overwhelm and afraid to take new risks! This is our achilles heal as it will limit our potential for growth and impact. Watch this video about how to tackle it and find balance on the edge.

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Vanessa Mason • Zen Hustler Profile

Meet Vanessa Mason, she coaches professionals with a focus on non-technical and public health professionals on kicking off careers in healthcare innovation. She also coaches aspiring, transitioning, and current entrepreneurs on building healthy lives and healthy businesses. Read more...

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Founder Overwhelm with Sunny Lenarduzzi (Video Interview)

In this video, Jared Brick the creator of Zen Hustlers interviews Sunny Lenarduzzi Youtube expert on her own personal experiences with stress and overwhelm as a founder, and how to scale up by delegating tasks with a growing team. Watch her personal video and learn from her wisdom.

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The Ultimate 'Zen Hustlers' 24-Hour Daily Schedule

Many of us possess old beliefs that limit our thinking on strict routines, strong habits and daily patterns to feel more controlled and less free. Recent studies have shown that the more positive habits you adopt the more you will feel in control of your life, and hence experience more freedom in other areas! We have compiled a variety of leading life hack suggestions and also from our own personal testing to formulate these habits as ZEN Hustlers. Enjoy the ride…

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Brandon Peele - Zen Hustler Profile

Meet, Brandon Peele, a Certified Purpose GuideTM, the co-author of Purpose Rising (2017,) and the new bold Planet on Purpose (2018) book. As a veteran teacher of online purpose courses, Brandon has guided thousands of people from over 50 countries to awaken, ignite and embody their life's purpose. Learn more…

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Daily Rituals + Practices with Ian C. Griffiths ~ ZEN Hustlers Interview

Jared Brick, creator of ZEN Hustlers interviews Ian C. Griffiths, an entrepreneur who has the world's largest Tony Robbins Facebook fan page (Owning Greatness), unofficially. He shares his tips for finding balance on the edge with morning routines, NET time and other strategies. Watch and learn.

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John Murphy - Zen Hustler Profile

John J. Murphy is an award-winning author, speaker, business consultant, and "zentrepreneur." Drawing on a diverse collection of experiences as a corporate director, collegiate quarterback, spiritual mystic, and management coach, John has appeared on more than 400 radio and television stations, and his work, has been featured in more than 50 newspapers nationwide. In 1988 he left corporate management to start his consulting company. He has now trained tens of thousands of people from dozens of countries. His clients include some of the world's leading organizations. Read more…

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Lisa Brick - Zen Hustler Profile

Lisa Brick is a bold life and divorce coach with Journey Beyond Divorce and Power and Purpose Coaching. An avid learner who loves being in nature and finding the balance in life, as a core. She offers insights and wisdom to her clients, community and networks. Learn more...

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Paths to Purpose Models with Brandon Peele

The ensouled life is a purpose-driven career you love.  It is creativity, passion and impact.  It is soulful and emergent romance.  It is abundant living, with nourishing food prepared with care and creativity and enjoyed in community.  It is fun, musical and sensual.  It is experiencing, honoring and sharing the full spectrum of your experience.  

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Unleashing the Power Within - The Tony Robbins Experience

Shayan Mehdi is a life balance coach and went in there, assessed the patterns that I had created in my life which were no longer serving me.  Tony talks about the 6 core needs and how they can be used for either a good purpose or bad. Check out his experience from a recent UPW with Tony Robbins, San Jose, CA.

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