Dream Builder + Goal Setting with Meryl Blau
Meet: Meryl Blau
Works at: Kyani & University of Miami
Roles: Professor, Wellness Coach, Healthy Habit Creator, Nitro Nutrition Coach & Influencer, Mentor, Speaker
HQ: Miami, FL
Follow: @meryleve
Contact Meryl
Where is your favorite place to visit in the world and why?
Interlaken, Switzerland - the air is cleaner, the aqua blue rivers are brighter than I’ve ever seen, the mountains are so peaceful as much so from the bottom as from the top - and I’ve seen them from both. I’ve been there 3 times, and every time, there’s a feeling that comes over me. It’s a magical place.
How does your work fulfill you, your purpose in life?
My life’s purpose is to make a significant impact on this planet through the lives that I touch. My work is all about helping others find their greatness - and living to their fullest potential. As a teacher - mentor - coach- I love to offer my life learnings as a way to help people achieve their goals ….
in the classroom - I’ve seen my alumni collect incredible awards for their achievements - Cannes Lions awards, Sundance Awards, win an Emmy - and so on… In coaching - I’ve had people drop significant weight and/or change the overall feeling of their health and body for the better - they became a new person because of it. To me it doesn’t matter how big or small the win - it’s in the moment when someone reaches out to simply say “Look at what I did” - because they are genuinely so proud of their accomplishment ” and knowing that in some small (or big) way I had played a role in that for them getting there - that’s everything to me.
What are you reading/listening to right now?
Master Your Mindpower by Steph and Shay Schafeitel
What are you watching?
Ted Lasso, The Morning Show, Squid Games
What do you do to fully relax?
In my week - it’s as simple as sitting on the sidelines watching my kids play their sports. It’s my time to stop - and simply be a proud mama. Yoga class when I want to disconnect. Bigger picture - I love to connect with nature - go to the beach, go on a hike, find my way to a mountain top…
When are you most in the flow, productive, energized? Doing which activities…
I’m usually learning something and figuring out how to apply it into something I can do to help others. I am a student of the world - always picking up new ideas, working to absorb philosophies that can help me better and help me help others be better. Then my brain starts spinning and it turns into new projects, or new ideas on how to expand ones I have. I’m a creative thinker, when I’m in flow, I am always solving problems in my head.
Do you meditate or practice mindfulness? If so, how?
Yes, Tony Robbins priming is my go to, it’s 15 minutes and takes me through all the important practices, Gratitude, healing, serving others from my heart, and visualization.
Who taught you how to hustle?
My mom was always the one I watched and modeled so I imagine it was her that taught me. But along the way, I started to learn to attach myself to people who were doing “it” (whatever “it” is at the time) better, faster, stronger than me...and then pushed myself to try to keep up. I’m attracted to the hustlers in the world in general.
What keeps you up at night?
Lately, what troubles me most right now is thinking about what’s happening to our planet to be honest. The issues of climate change and how scary it is to see how angry mother nature is... and recently I’ve been learning so much with my students about how we are going to run out of fresh soil in about 60 years, and how the fast fashion industry is destroying our planet at terrifying rates… the more I learn the more it makes me want to jump in and do something -- and then I start to think about my kids and their kids and realize what a mess we are leaving behind… It's a lot.
How does diet and sleep impact you? What are your habits/rituals?
Diet and sleep are everything, these are my most important habits as I believe diet creates the snowball effect. When you put what you need in your body, you feel better, when you feel better you want to do better, you sleep better, you focus easier, you want to move more, which starts to show you results and then you want to keep going so you do more and so on.
Diet - How I wake up and start is everything - Brain food - sunrise - a preworkout “bite” and water … during the day - I follow nitro nutrition -- 1% better every day with macronutrient and micronutrient eating.
PFC - Protein, Fats, Carbs with endless veggies as 5-6 times per day, with forgiveness built in to enjoy the off program meals.
Sleep - I’m a morning person - If I sleep to late I feel like I’m wasting the day.
Weekdays - rise at 4:45 in the gym by 5:15 - ready to rock the day /// Sleep - my ideal is to put the kids down and shut down by 9:30 in bed myself by 10 - asleep within 15 minutes typically.
What communities inspire you?
Master your Mindpower community - run by Steph and Shay Shafeitel
ECI Business Group - run by Lee Tunney-Ware
Are you more Hustle or more Zen lately?
More Hustle for sure.
What would you do if you did not do your existing work/business?
Work in non-profit to help save the planet in some way. So many things need help and I’d love to be able to be contributing in some bigger way or do something physical, like become a SEAL or a triathlete even.
How do you define a good work/life balance, and how important do you think it is?
I don’t believe there is actual work/life balance - something always has to rise, I learned the phrase “work/life integration” which I think is a much better way to put it… it’s not about making sure everything is even. But that each of the parts of your life and work that are important to you are getting attention in their own right. That your personal life is scheduled in a way that ensures it’s not forgotten when you’re hustling and that personal life never becomes your excuse for why you don’t hustle for the things you want in life. Integration of work and life is everything to me - and it’s important because I understand my life/core values which my top 3 are; health, family, and financial freedom. Therefore it’s a necessity for me to find the integration.
How have personal relationships impacted your balance?
Personal relationships must be a part of my balance/integration. I’m a big community and relationship person so if I’m not carving out the time for personal relationships. I feel like there’s a part of me that’s unfulfilled. Relationships should not get in the way of your work they need to find their place within it otherwise it feels really lonely to think about doing all the hustle with no one to share and enjoy it with.
What is some advice you would give to new or struggling entrepreneurs/hustlers that are out of balance?
Don’t try to find balance, balance means equally weighted. Find the integration. Schedule your life just like you schedule your work and make it non-negotiable. So that with rare and extraordinary exception to the rule (because there always has to be room for flexibility). You treat a date night or family event or whatever those life events are, as if they were equally as important as the work. I believe too often when we are in that state of hustle, we forget to create the priority around the people that we are doing this for.
With that said here’s the reverse I’ve heard over and over again from one of my mentors don’t let your reason become your excuse. Meaning if you’ve swung too far in the life side of balance, and are always making the kids, and family the priority as a way to avoid doing the hard work that needs doing. You need to remember that if your reasons become the excuse why you don’t do - you’ll be spinning your wheels forever, never really getting where you want to go.
What advice would you tell your younger self?
Start seeking personal development opportunities as a teenager. Learn the things school will never teach you as early as you can.
What are issues you are out to change in the world?
Gun Reform is a big one for me the MSD / Parkland community really struck a chord and I wish I had time to give more to the organizations that rose out of that to help. Every time another school shooting happens, I get a little sicker that this country still has not been able to change the gun laws.
Been speaking about two others in my classroom these days that are about climate change and our quickly dying planet. Fast fashion is killing this earth and all these horrible new Insta-fashion brands that sell super cheap clothes that literally self-destruct after 1 wearing is killing our planet. Goal for 2022 is to start learning more about thrifting recycle wear and “rentable” fashion.
Soil is the other one I’ve learned about lately, 60 years until we have no more nutrient dense soil. Our fruits and vegetables are already so depleted from the vitamins and minerals they used to have, but 60 years for it to be gone. Now that’s my kids and their kids lifetime, which really puts it into perspective, just starting to learn about what we can do it’s a new topic for me, but I think we’re going to start by building a family garden.
Favorite quote:
This is my motto and I love it because it’s me in a nutshell. I’m someone who doesn't like to live in complacency, I prefer to be learning and growing and doing new things, and exploring new ways I can make an impact. If things get monotonous I need to either go on an adventure, join a class, or find a new project.
Merly Blau bio:
Born and bred Jersey girl, with roots planted firmly in Miami, FL, professor, mentor, mom of 2, and wellness fanatic. Meryl has been a full-time Asst. Professor of Practice at the University of Miami for 13+ years, teaching creativity to aspiring advertising professionals, after a 14+ year career in the advertising industry. Meryl is a self-proclaimed wellness fanatic who, through her personal journey, has become obsessed with a mission to impact the world through sustainable healthy habits. She believes that healthy living is at the intersection of a healthy mind, healthy body, and healthy habits ….and works tirelessly to teach people how to live their best life through nutritional education and motivational coaching, and mentorship. She believes in continuous personal development, is a student of the world, and a teacher to countless many. Meryl has become a mentor to hundreds and continues to spread her message that living your best life requires you to be at the top of your game.